Friday, May 4, 2012

Annie Mac

-Having trouble changing the main photo (display photo)
-Would like for it to be interactive versus simply active…perhaps I do spring for the account?
-Would like different Facebook and twitter icons.
-Need to change the logo up by the url form the Wordpress logo to mine.
- when doing Facebook posts, the wordpress logo appears when I copy and paste the URL instead of the nabbell logo. this issue is linked with the above url logo issue.
-changing the home link from boring text "nabbell" to the Nabbell logo. 

-Getting my logo image to fit correctly so that it is not cut-off anywhere.
-I am worried about whether I am using the correct host for what I want the website to offer. 
-It is in a blog host…but it is not a personal blog, is that okay? I want people to be able to share photos and videos on my website with forum ability. 
-I have to provide all the content to start, as I am aware, and quite possibly will continue to provide unless girls really start kicking things off and getting edits in. -image wise: I want the website to be very simple and I’m afraid Word press is going to just slam with weird fees whenever I want will be working on the thumbnail image for nabbell today in photoshop.
-I can’t figure out how to download the Alba font from my hard drive and I just did it 2 weeks ago. Ugh. I ended up wanting to play around with the color or the logo and can’t make any headway.

It is definitely a work in progress but I love where it has started at. It is great! 

I love what I have accomplished in this class. It has been great, thank you, Chris, for dealing with all my questions!

Problem Solving Log

     My website is a informational and promotional site for my creative communication studio, Mhmm. We hope to reach old and new viewers, old and new clients, and anyone else that is interesting in seeing our attempt at promotional communication through outlets of digital motion pictures, photography, and design. On our site we have a home page that plays our most recent creative work, as well as a works page that contains all of our complete works, about page and a contact page.  Opposite of the navigation bar are three social media widgets. One links to our Vimeo, one links to our Facebook and one links to our Twitter.

      While developing my website in Dreamweaver, I ran into a handful of issues.  First issue was sizing. I did not want the page to scroll so I had to figure out a gerneric frame size that would fit most computer screens used by our viewers.
The same frame was maintained on all pages containing the logo header, a frame of 700x394 and a footer containing our nav bar and social media widgets.
     The biggest issue I had with the footer was I could not get the nav bar and the social media widgets to     sit on the same plain with each staying to their respective sides. I would have the nav bar below and all the way to the left of the 700x394 frame and the widgest below and all the way to the right of the frame. But everytime the widgets would just appear on a line below the nav bar.

To fix this I had to take each separate <div> (the nav bar <div> and the social media <div>) Place them within one container <div> that measured the width of the over all frame. I then had to take the nav bar <div> and size the width to 50% of the overall container size. I think had to set a float left. Opposite of the nav bar <div>, I took the social media <div>, set the width of the overall container size and applied a float right. It still was a little uneven, but I Sized down my social media widgets until it layed on the same line as the nav bar.

    The other big issue I had was once I took my final code and tried to host it on our domain site, two of the three social widgets failed to show up on all for pages (home, works, about, contact)
The solution was I had to change the permissions on two of the the three widgets from 600 to 744.

Another problem I ran into was trying to host all of our works from vimeo, on our works page, without changing the consistent frame

To solve this issue, I actually just went to and then clicked on 'Tools' in the navbar. Within tools, there are options for embedded widgets that play vimeo hosted videos on your site.
There is a hubnut option (which i used with slideshow capabilities) and a badge option, which displays a montage of all of your recent vimeo hosted videos.

Brett Varga
Problems Log  

My website is a personal portfolio for me in a nutshell. I want people, mainly around the ages of (17- 40) to visit my website. I want to display my art in simple easy to navigate pages. I also want to establish,, as an artist hub. Any artist that wants to put up work and contact info can do it on my site with my permission. I also want to make it possible for people to purchase certain works or clothes from my website.

1. I want to be able to drag over the headers and have them change to images when the mouse is over then. When the images are clicked I want them to animate. I have some experience doing this in flash, but I want to try it out in html.
(Got the images to change with the swap image behavior)

2. I want to create a pay pal account, so visitors to my site have the opportunity to purchase my art and any other artist’s art via credit card. (Haven’t implemented yet because still do not have any shirts to sell)

3. I want to have the main image on the homepage change every time you go back to the home page.
(Change the image for the homepage to a wider image, help get the container align more to the left of the website image à “Last Lunch”…no longer want the image to change

4. I have no idea how to create a slideshow that shows one image at a time. When you click on each images it should go to the next image or click left or right to navigate though each slideshow. ((((Got the images for "fine art" and "digital" to show slideshow, which is archived at
àscript: galleria-1.2.7.min.js, galleria-flickr-call.js

5. I'm having a hard time figuring out the layout for my email page, I'm not sure how I want the information showcased on the page......((I want to change the email page into "about me/ contact"... on the page it will show the artistic statement also will be a link to my email and bringyalunch@facebook)))
à (I change the “email” footer to show “about me/ contact”)
à (Placed a picture of me working & under the picture a description “What is Bring Yaw Lunch?”

6. Need to get the artists' desired art and description/bio to be showcased on "friends" page
à (Now I have artists with images and links to respective emails and/or websites.  I also have a description for each artist and a slideshow, video, and/or music of their respective work)

7.Need to finish bubble designs for " Friends" and "About Me/ Contact" to showcase indiv. Bios
(I change my mind about the bubble wording idea, It is shown as normal text format because it is easier to to change and update the website)

8. I need to figure out how to embed youtube videos
à Use script: galleria-1.2.7.min.js same as the flickr script make sure its in its own folder mine is titled “youtube” inside that folder have another called “themes” inside that have “classic” and have the scripts
 galleria.classic.css & galleria.classic.min.js. Should be available at

9. Figured out how to share on facebook and twitter
Embed code – place under
<script type="text/javascript">var switchTo5x=true;</script> <script type="text/javascript" src=""></script> <script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>

à Place code at button right before </html>
<script> var options={ "publisher": "eb2066fd-f958-4eb1-be8b-4d45b67a25df", "position": "left", "ad": { "visible": false, "openDelay": 5, "closeDelay": 0}, "chicklets": { "items": ["facebook", "twitter"]}}; var st_hover_widget = new sharethis.widgets.hoverbuttons(options); </script>

10. Figured out how to embed videos from Vimeo. If you watch a video click the “share” button and copy the embed code:
             <iframe src="" width="500" height="281" frameborder="0" webkitAllowFullScreen mozallowfullscreen allowFullScreen></iframe>

Tucker's Problem Log

Tucker Norred
Chris Lanier
Web Design

Website Log which will be updated to
The first step of our logs are when we are on the search for a template for our website.  The two platforms that I have narrowed my search down to are Blogger and Wordpress.  Both are set up to be blog style format, which will cater to the design I require.

Blogger was my first option that I considered because I have used blogger in the past and it is familiar to me.  First, I went to the Blogger website and looked through the templates that they had available before going off the site to third-party developers.  The options that I saw available to me seemed like the templates would stint my ability to tweak them in the future.  This is why I decided not to use a blogger template.  None of the ones that I looked at were designed to be a “video” focused blog.  The dimensions of each of the posting areas would not provide enough room to preview the video clearly without full screen enabled.  This was a major determining factor for me, but the ability to link it easily with my Google account and my social media hubs was a major plus. 

Word Press is what I decided to use for my website design template.  The functionality and ability to truly customize the templates was the main detirming factor in this decision.  Also, there are many more third-party developers that design all sorts of plug-ins to maximize the efficiency and effectiveness of the site.
            What I found out after diving deep into the project is that without hosting the site through an ftp client to my GoDaddy account the functionality of the site is very limited.  But, the ability to host my site on GoDaddy is what I plan to do over the summer.  Without hosting the site on my own I am forced to used the Dashboard on the Wordpress site where it limits most abilities to insert code into the site and addition of new plug-ins, etc.  The ease and functionality of the WordPress Dashboard is very user friendly with many “drag and drop” techniques making it very familiar to me.  Also, all of the third party developers create ways for you to integrate anything your heart desires.

The third option that I explored briefly was how to take the template that we created in Photoshop and be able to turn that into a fully functioning website.  We made two different templates and I thought that if one didn’t work due to sizing, or some other constraint, that the other might work.  There are many different tutorials to do so online so I looked at what the first step would be to take.  I found this was useful before sending my website to Dreamweaver, it helps to set up the Photoshop file. (
Once I was sure that my Photoshop mock up was ready for Dreamweaver I then looked on YouTube for video instructions on how to do so.  I am more of a visual learner and I thought that it would be easier because I could see where all the buttons that I am unaware of in Dreamweaver.  This was the first video that I watched:
Then this one (which has a second part) :
The main difference between all of them was the version o the adobe creative suite they were using.  But, they all basically revolved around doing the same set of steps to building a website.  That is one thing that I have notices about most all of the creative suite programs, almost all projects can be completed in completely different ways with the same end result.  After watching the videos I was able to conclude that I would more than likely spend far too much time running into multiple different problems.  I wanted to focus more time working on the functionality of the site and not just building it.  I made the decision to not use a Dreamweaver template, or my own, for my website because of the sizing issues I would run into with every shape I created.

These are the main key components that I will require of my design to be able to preform:  Blog style format, host videos, host photos, contact me, link out to my social media sites.
There are lots of forums on the Wordpress website such as this one
This one was very useful for me while I was looking for ways that I could possibly add an <iframe> to my Wordpress site. 
Also, the support on the site is very useful/user friendly. I used this while trying to upload my website via FTP clients to my GoDaddy account. this was something that ended up being the biggest problem of my website.  Moral of the story: “We do not allow FTP (File Transfer Protocol) access to any blogs. Please see the information below on alternatives to using FTP.” 
There were many different routes that I could take to upload my website to my GoDaddy account through an ftp client.  Through one of the intructions and the forums I read on the GoDaddy site I was told to use the FTP client MAMP to upload my site and then use the new Dashboard within my GoDaddy account.  This would then give me the ability to add my plug-ins and code to the directory files for my website. 
This forum/instructions were useful in informing me to use MAMP
The last step of the process was to install Wordpress and connect it but I ran into problems on finding this information about my server:
database name: wordpress
database host/server: localhost
database user: root database password: root

            After much trial and error to find this information I decided to try another route by using the most popular FTP client, FileZilla.  FileZilla operates much in the same ways but was actually more complex than MAMP so I decided to continue using the WordPress Dashboard so as to finish my website on time.

A lot of the functionality of the site that I am creating is based off of what plug-ins is available for my site and integrating them.
This part of the Wordpress website is where I started my search on how to integrate plug-ins

I wanted the website to run as smoothly as possibly for people especially being able to keep high-resolution values of photos and videos.  The plug-in WP Super Cache is what I found would help me the most amount first. It is a very fast caching engine for Wordpress that produces static html files.  This plugin generates static html files from your dynamic WordPress blog. After an html file is generated your webserver will serve that file instead of processing the comparatively heavier and more expensive WordPress PHP scripts.  The static html files will be served to the vast majority of your users, but because a user's details are displayed in the comment form after they leave a comment those requests are handled by the legacy-caching engine. Static files are served to:
1.     Users who are not logged in.
2.     Users who have not left a comment on your blog.
3.     Or users who have not viewed a password protected post.
99% of your visitors will be served static html files. Those users who don't see the static files will still benefit because they will see different cached files that aren't quite as efficient but still better than un-cached. This plugin will help your server cope with a front-page appearance on or other social networking site.

One thing that I find very important of any blog (or any website for the matter) is the presence of social media and SEO.  I would like a Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and Vimeo to be connected to the site.
First with the SEO I wanted to optimize my site to be able to reach out to the greatest amount of people.  Wordpress SEO by Yoast ( is the most popular one that users apply by far and it will be the one I choose.  WordPress SEO is the most complete WordPress SEO plugin that exists today for users. It incorporates everything from a snippet preview and page analysis functionality that helps you optimize your pages content, images titles, meta descriptions and more to XML sitemaps, and loads of optimization options in between.
There's a full feature list for the base plugin. Currently there's three of them in active development: News SEOVideo SEO and Local SEO, with News SEO being available for download. The latter two will be paid add-on modules, developed by Yoast with the help of subject matter experts. These are options that I look forward to in the future.

There are hundreds, if not thousands of different social media plug-ins that are available to add to your Wordpress. First, I knew that there was a twitter feed that I could attached from my dashboard widgets, no problem there.  Many of them are just a buttons, which contains all of the social media options in one contained toolbar. These are the ones that I looked at first as a one time fix all, a Plugin Directory that floats on the side with all of the buttons.  Your all in one share buttons plugin. Add a floating bar with share buttons to your blog. Just like Mashable!  With Digg Digg by Buffer, you have an all in one social sharing plugin for your blog. Display all social sharing buttons nicely on your blog and make it look amazing, just like Mashable. 
Facebook integration with my site is something that I thought would be very important.  Within the Wordpress Dashboard there is only one widget that will assist me in Facebook integration.  It is a very small, unseen button after each blog post with the ability to “like” it. All that would do is create a post on their facebook wall and shows a brief description of the post.  I would like a link directly to my Facebook page where it lands on a page that encourages the user to “Like” the page so they will be continually linked and updated about my Facebook and site.
            First I looked into Facebook AWD is an all in one Facebook capabilities for wordpress.
Add Socials plugins, OpenGraph, Comments and FB connect. Publish your content to all your FB pages and on your personnal wall on Facebook Easy to install and setup. Use Iframe or Xfbml or HTML5 Add Like button and comments to pages, posts and custom posts types, at top, bottom or both. Widgets and Shortcodes available for each Facebook socials plugins. Use post thumbnail for openGraph, Fix like button with url linter, use pattern to defined custom openGraph meta, etc... Works in Facebook Tabs and Facebook Canvas! Use both SDK's PHP v.3.1.1 AND JS v3
            Next I looked at The Social Media Widget is a simple sidebar widget that allows users to input their social media website profile URLs and other subscription options to show an icon on the sidebar to that social media site and more that open up in a separate browser window.
I wanted to be able to see the statistics of who tried to link from my site to my Facebook as well so I looked into Facebook Share Statistics. Shows informations about your posts shared on Facebook, with statistics and charts about the number of "like", comments and clicks received.

Instagram is something that I wanted to be able to integrate into my site.   The main goal of this is to be able to update my blog with photos from my mobile phone.  Instagram is a free photo sharing program launched in October 2010 that allows users to take a photo, apply a digital filter to it, and then share it on a variety of social networking services, including Instagram's own. ( before with all of the other third party plug-ins that I wished to use, this one was not pre loaded into Wordpress. 
However, there are multiple Instagram Plug-ins that I found worked if I was able to host my site onto my GoDaddy account.
Instagram Gallery Widget (IGW) lets you display your beautiful pictures in a simple and elegant gallery onto your WordPress website. You can drag multiple widget instances and configure each one with different settings. You can also use custom PHP code to insert the widget in any part of your theme or if you prefer, you can embed the special shortcode.
Instagram for Wordpress
Simple sidebar widget that shows your latest pictures and picture embedder. Requires PHP curl extension. To embed picture use [instagram] shortcode. Example: [instagram url='' size='large' addlink='no']

This means that I would either have to find a way to host my website through php just to use a silly plug-in or two.  I thought that there would be answers on the Internet for other people that had the same issues.
I google’d very excessively about ways people are able to embed their Instagram posts into a normal website that they have built from scratch.  There still isn’t that many options available to people that want the option of something written in code to appear on their site.  There are a few third-party developers that have built options where the user logs into their Instagram from their site, and they build an <iframe> that you embed in you website.  The <iframe> is the code that then produces a scrolling slideshow of the pictures from my Instagram account.
This is the first one that I tried to use, and it is extremely simple.  It just asks you to log into your account and then it automatically gives you your custom <iframe>.  This is an example of my <iframe>
<iframe src="" scrolling="no" frameborder="0" style="border:none; width:404px; height:144px; overflow:hidden;" allowTransparency="true"></iframe>
Webstagram  Same as Embedagram with more sizing options/
You can ....
View photos of the people you follow
Like and Comment on photos
Follow and Unfollow other users
See your followers and following
Browse popular photos / tags / users
Get your RSS feeds
SnapWidget  Much like the other two and another option I attempted.  It even had a video with set up instructions

The main problem that I ran into with this was that Wordpress was not allowing me to embed iframe’s in the pages on my website.  It would have been most favorable to be able to embed it into one of the pre set widgets in the sidebar but that is not an option.  The only place that I am allowed to place the iframe in my template is in a post, which would be moved anytime I create a newer post.  Any time I attempt to post the iframe in a page it just gives me the href and links it out to its own page where it resides.  At this point in time I didn’t think that the iframe wasn’t allowed because it allows me to post iframes of vimeo videos I have created.  So I attempted to use another named Webstagram and then SnapWidget with the same results.

 So I decided to find another work around for some of the other way of being able to have a rolling slideshow of pictures on my site from my Instagram.  There is a flickr widget that is part of the preset widgets in the Wordpress dashboard.  So I thought that there may be a way of having my Instagram linked to my flickr so once I post a photo on Instagram, it instantly populates on my flickr as well. I Googled “how to connect instagram to flickr”, as well as many others and had no luck finding a platform that was able to connect the two. 
What I just recently founf is there is a flickr app for my android device, which is probably the only work around before hosting my site on GoDaddy.  It will be a shame because it won’t link out to my Instagram, show my tags on photos, and I will have to upload every photo twice.  This is something I also came across,
And it has functionality, but still has multiple problems as described earlier.  I’m holding on to this for a later date. 

Another Work around for Instagram is the ability to host my pictures in a Picasa Widget.  Picasa Widget works as a widget, making very easy for you to embed in sidebars (if supports widgets) the latest albums from your Picasa account.

Spencers Problem Log

Spencer Reeves  Log

1)      Getting Started.  Looking into Dreamweaver and how to export images out of Photoshop

Splicing images and exporting using Photoshop:

Basic Dreamweaver Tutorial:

2)      I wanted to overlap images on my home page without importing a Jpg where it was already done. Matt wrote the code below. Not only does it allow images to be over lapped it also allows images to be brought forward when the cursor hovers over them. The z-index tag is what positions images on top of each other.

.joker {

                                position: absolute;



                                z-index: 6;


.joker: hover{

                z-index: 13


3)      On the left side of my home page there is a black box with text inside it. I was unable to move my text off the edge of the box. I wanted to put a margin on all sides.

Solution: instead of trying to adjust the margin, positioning, etc of the text area I set a margin on the Sidebox div. doing this I was able to move the text off the edge.

4)      I had a lot of problems with code not working the way it should or at all.

Solution: Check your code make sure every . , { ( is in the right place.

5)      How to insert picture into my website in a smooth seamless way. I wanted to be able to disply work without having to insert 20 pictures in a grid.

Solution: created a account. With the account you can upload photos, move them into sets and embed the sets directly into your webpage.

Beware of the Houdini div. !!!

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Granelli- Completed page and problem log.!home|mainPage

My design is a mockup self promotional website that is a test for future ideas. The WIX website builder is a useful tool in creating a modern looking webpage that did not come with many problems. The main problem that I have encountered thus far is having separate background images on each page of your website. I'd like to use separate images in order to show a multitude of examples that promote the concept or idea. I ended up just using a dark background and stretching pictures to fill the background, I would have liked more flexibility within this area but the WIX features are somewhat limited.

Problem Log

1. Problem: Having separate background images through WIX

Solutions: You can create a website based entirely of "Master" pages. Create a new website in Wix for every page of your website. Instead of using the menu bar, you can use "Text Buttons" arranged in a menu style to link between pages easily.

2. Problem: Multiple master pages lead to increased load time between pages.
Here is an example,
The link "Gallery" runs much smoother between pages
3. Webpage sizing- The builder view shrinks actual webpage size. Published webpage appears larger and requires scrolling to view.
The website looks decent in the builder view but the size of everything seems to increase when viewing the actual webpage.
Solution- Trial and Error. Try to make everything smaller and allow for a even border around the page layout. WIX doesn’t have a good way of showing rulers or any sizing information in the builder. The gridlines available are for a much more generic page layout with a column on the left for link, a body area, and a header.
Lastly- It seems necessary to be very careful in the choice/size/and layout of the texts I use. Some pages are visually non uniform and this takes away from the aesthetic side of the website.
4. Centering images and text on webpage. Wix doesn’t provide a way to center anything on the webpage. It’s entirely based off your own judgement and therefore leaves room for error. I simply tried to line up the pages equally but there is no way to know for sure if anything is centered.

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Creating a favicon

Date for Class Final

Our final is on Friday, May 4th, from 3-6, but will not meet for the full three hours. You'll present your final websites. That is also the due date for your finished "problem solving log" (which, as a reminder, is worth 15% of your grade.

Thursday, April 26, 2012



Brett's LUNCH

Link to Online Course Evaluation

Problem Solving Log

StrangeBrew is a video blog that I created for me and my group of friends. We use it to upload everything that we do including pictures/videos of camping, hiking, snowboarding, skating, etc., pretty much everything that we find interesting and like to do. We aren't selling anything from the site, we just use it to gain exposure and have a "home base" for all of the things we do together as a group. I chose to host the site using a google blogger template, and that worked our really well because my main focus was to use it to upload videos, and on blogger it was very simple to do.

Problem-While using the blogger dynamic template design I was having trouble getting the thumbnail picture for each video to show up.
Solution: had to find a code to put in that would show just an image that would link to the video. However, I changed the template from the dynamic view to a regular layout so this is no longer a problem for me when uploading videos
Problem- For the Crew page on my website I wanted to post each persons picture with their name to the left of it, but when trying to upload, the names and pictures went down the page instead of next to each other, 3 wide like I wanted.
Solution- I first started by trying to mess with the code inside of the blogger but that didn’t help so Chris helped me try to figure it out and make a table in dreamweaver. However, posting the pictures in the table and then posting the html from dreamweaver didn’t work because it wouldn’t recognize the source. I ended up solving this by finding a code for a table for blogger templates and just inserting the pictures into that.
Problem-I couldn't find a facebook badge located in the available badges from blogger to link to the facebook group page that we have.
Solution-I found a website that offers all different designs for badges to website such as facebook, twitter, linkdin etc., (which is at I then used the custom html gadget to import the facebook badge as an image and linked it to the URL of the facebook.

Trevor's Final Website

Here is a link to my final website

Web Design Project link
First I had to figure out how to host my word press theme off of my godaddy account.
This was found to be a difficult process at first. There are two seperate options that I am given at the beginning instalation, and that is to decide whether to use wordpress to host my site or another domain server. Since I am already paying for my site to be used on godaddy then I thought it would make the most sense to host it there. Also, from a edit-ability standpoint, it seemed as if templates become more customizable from this format.

After finding it to be difficult to make my wordpress compatible with my GoDaddy account I decided to host it on the Wordpress site and use the Wordpress Dashboard. Within the Wordpress Dashboard there are numerous options to edit anything from name to colors of the blog template that I chose. fcp 7 save
Here is the link to my finished site!

Problem solving log

-Getting my logo image to fit correctly so that it is not cut-off anywhere. -I am worried about whether I am using the correct host for what I want the website to offer. -It is in a blog host…but it is not a personal blog, is that okay? I want people to be able to share photos and videos on my website with forum ability. -I have to provide all the content to start, as I am aware, and quite possibly will continue to provide unless girls really start kicking things off and getting edits in. -image wise: I want the website to be very simple and I’m afraid Word press is going to just slam with weird fees whenever I want will be working on the thumbnail image for nabbell today in photoshop. -I can’t figure out how to download the Alba font from my hard drive and I just did it 2 weeks ago. Ugh. I ended up wanting to play around with the color or the logo and can’t make any headway.

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Ankhet Mobile Problem Solving

Problem: I want to cache images, but not HTML
Solution: Modify headers sent from server for image data to clarify cacheability
Implementation: Not Done

Problem: Zoom works properly on iPhone but not on Kindle Fire
Solution: iPhone auto-creates a viewport from the beginning of the first visual component to the end of the last visual component. Kindle renders more or less like a desktop. Create a viewport for Kindle Fire.
Implementation: Viewport with minSize ~= 2.0 and maxSize ~= 3.0 with User-Scaleable = 1

Problem: mysql_real_escape_string requires a live connection to a mySQL database, so it can grab the character encoding. I don't have a mySQL database.
Solution: Use mysql_escape_string (deprecated, possible it'll be removed) or a dummy mySQL database with the same charset at the MSSQL database.
Implementation: Switched to MySQL 5.5 database backed by

Problem: Unable to use any mysql_, mssql_ or sqlsrv_ PHP functions with the default GoDaddy configuration (despite having databases for both mysql and MSSQL).
Solution: Switch somewhere that lets me finish my site.
Implementation: Call Get satisfaction in under 10 minutes.

Problem: doesn't support sqlsrv_ functions (linux based hosting) and mssql_ functions are deprecated.
Solution: Switch to a MySQL database, use the already extant mysql_ functions to interface with the database.
Implementation: see above.

Problem: default.php doesn't display at, instead a directiory of contents comes up.
Solution: Rename default.php to index.php.
Implementation: done (future: redirect index.php to default.php transparently, not done)

Problem: PHP pages are cluttered and contain large portions of if(bool) echo '[HTML CODE]';
Solution: Migrate HTML out of PHP
Implementation: Use include() to bring in HTML as needed, reducing page size, processing time and increasing readability.

Problem: HTML/PHP pages to be included are visible without being inside their including page.
Solution: Enforce inclusion over direct viewing.
Implementation: <?php if($_SERVER['PHP_SELF'] !== "[PAGENAME]") { header("HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found"); echo '<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//IETF//DTD HTML 2.0//EN">
<TITLE>404 Not Found</TITLE>
<H1>Not Found</H1>
The requested URL '.$_SERVER['PHP_SELF'].' was not found on this server.<P>
<P>Additionally, a 404 Not Found
error was encountered while trying to use an ErrorDocument to handle the request.
<ADDRESS>Apache/1.3.41 Server at [SERVER] Port 80</ADDRESS>
</BODY></HTML>'; exit; } ?>

Problem: Sessions dying on every page, requiring new login.
Solution: session_start() must be on every page.
Implementation: Put session_start() just after <?php in most cases, or use ob_start()

Problem: Sessions persist forever.
Solution: Add logout button
Implementation: <?php
header("Location: [FRONTPAGE]");

Problem: Registration and some other abilities need to be restricted to testing only.
Solution: A debug variable, put somewhere it'll always be available.
Implementation: Wrap the abilities in question in if (AnkhDEBUG) {} and define() AnkhDEBUG in ankhetdb.php as it's included on every page.

Problem: Registration dumps you back on the main page with no indication your registration worked
Solution: Auto-login if successful.
Implementation: Change $returnVal to an array() with [0] being success and [1] being message. If [0] start_session, header location: index.php else continue on register.php, displaying [1] as appropriate.

Problem(s): Lots of problems with getting data into the table.
Solution/Implementation: Print the query being sent, debug debug debug, make sure of use ` instead of ' when referring to MySQL tables/databases (MySQL idosyncracy)

Problem: game.php needs to require login
Solution: Check if user is logged in, otherwise redirect
Implementation: Check if a particular session variable exists, if not use the above header location: technique to redirect to index.php for session start.

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Creating a customized map that you can embed in your website

Cool video tutorial for customizing Google maps -- which can then be embedded in your site:

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Kirby - Problem solving log

Problem: Background image is distorted
Solution: Took a better picture with a higher resolution and cropped it in photoshop.

Problem: I'd like to make a page just for photos maybe using flickr.
Solution: I created an account and embeded it in the site.

Problem: Make the map of the route a google map.
Solution: Used the My maps application on google and created an interactive map of the route.
Then I adjusted the width so it matched the width of the picture that displays below it.  <iframe width="508".

Problem: My boarder in the Right Div tag needed to blend better with the background but we could not change the opacity with out changing the opacity of the entire div.
Solution: Using the eyedropper tool on photoshop we were able to make a background for the boarder and set the transparency to 85%. It worked well and did not effect the transparency od the text and images in the div.

Problem: Easy to fix but, I wanted the water horizon in the picture on the home page to match with the  background image.
Solution: I just adjusted the margin-top to 63px in the left and right Div tag. It seemed to be as close of a match as possible.

A Granelli completed home page

 AG Photo-Design

My design is a mockup self promotional website that is a test for future ideas. The WIX website builder is a useful tool in creating a modern looking webpage that did not come with many problems. The main problem that I have encountered thus far is having separate background images on each page of your website. I'd like to use separate images in order to show a multitude of examples that promote the concept or idea. I ended up just using a dark background and stretching pictures to fill the background, I would have liked more flexibility within this area but the WIX features are somewhat limited.

Problem Log

1. Problem: Having separate background images through WIX

Solutions: You can create a website based entirely of "Master" pages. Create a new website in Wix for every page of your website. Instead of using the menu bar, you can use "Text Buttons" arranged in a menu style to link between pages easily.

2. Problem: Multiple master pages lead to increased load time between pages.
Here is an example,
The link "Gallery" runs much smoother between pages
3. Webpage sizing- The builder view shrinks actual webpage size. Published webpage appears larger and requires scrolling to view.
The website looks decent in the builder view but the size of everything seems to increase when viewing the actual webpage.
Solution- Trial and Error. Try to make everything smaller and allow for a even border around the page layout. WIX doesn’t have a good way of showing rulers or any sizing information in the builder. The gridlines available are for a much more generic page layout with a column on the left for link, a body area, and a header.
Lastly- It seems necessary to be very careful in the choice/size/and layout of the texts I use. Some pages are visually non uniform and this takes away from the aesthetic side of the website.
4. Centering images and text on webpage. Wix doesn’t provide a way to center anything on the webpage. It’s entirely based off your own judgement and therefore leaves room for error. I simply tried to line up the pages equally but there is no way to know for sure if anything is centered.

Thursday, April 5, 2012


doesn't work with IE... aint that a colloquialism for a female dog?

Video 2012-04-04

Here's a link to a live stream of PENGUINS! Watch as much or as little as you want:

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Class-Assignment: Due dates for the This Month

A week from today - on Tuesday, 4/10 – you have to be prepared to present your website-in-progress. We'll put it up on screen, and give you some feedback. Your homepage, at least, must be completed, with a functioning nav bar, and all images and text finalized.

A week from then, on Tuesday 4/17, you must have all the written content for your static pages finalized, and all your images assembled. You will turn the writing in as a printed word document.

The following week, on Thursday 4/26, a draft of your website with all the static pages in place, with text and images, is due. I'll take a look at the sites during that class.

This is how your final grade will break down

25%: Class and blog assignments (assignments to date)
75%: Your final website

That latter 75% will be composed of the following:

15% your "problem solving" log, due at the final
15% your Tuesday 4/10 presentation
15% your Tuesday 4/17 delivery of website content
15% your Thursday 4/26 draft of your site
15% your completed and polished website, due at the final

Thursday, March 29, 2012

m brill problem-solving log

Tahoe Community Sailing will be the website for the Tahoe Community Sailing not for profit organization. Currently they only have a Facebook group page, so this will help get their name further out into the digital world. The website will be used to relay event information, accept donations via PayPal and send mass emails to anyone who has provided their email address by donating or joining their mailing list.

The target audience for this page will be those who contribute to the organization or otherwise participate in organization events as well as those who have an interest in sailing. The primary beneficiaries of the organization are kids and teens, but the website will most likely be targeted more towards their parents, as the kids will need permission before they can participate in any events.

Network Solutions (NS) will take care of the hosting and database services for the website. I chose NS because they are reliable and fairly inexpensive, while still providing all the capability the website could ever need. They also perform daily incremental database backups, which will minimize any data loss in case of an accidental, erroneous database entry or server failure. The website will be run through the Drupal CMS, to allow the Tahoe Community Sailing organization to update the content without requiring additional assistance.

Tahoe Community Sailing-
  1. Drupal nav bar displaying on front page:
    • found $is_front variable. set if statement to remove nav bar on front page
  2. Water loop choppy:
    • layered duplicate video with fade to ease transition
  3. flash header links not functioning:
    • fixed with navigateToURL(request, '_self') expression

Emerald City Lan-
  1. side columns are uneven length:
    • found class in css file and set explicit min-height and height
  2. security flaw in seat reservation allows users to reserve seat without first registering:
    • added if statement to verify guest exists in registration database prior to inserting seat reservation
  3. brother wanted automatic confirmation as opposed to existing manual verification:
    • found PayPal Instant Payment Notification (IPN). setup script to receive IPN and update database to reflect that the guests payment had been successfully received

Aerobatic Company & Flight School, Inc.-
  1. students able to schedule flights with off duty instructors:
    • added a "time on" database and script that allows instructors to set times they are available. modified schedule new/edit flight scripts to first verify the instructor is available before displaying available instructors to student to reduce confusion. added secondary verification to prevent students from altering form values manually and bypassing first verification.
  2. students unable to contact new instructor:
    • added link to success prompt, directing students to page with instructor contact information
  3. quick confirmation buttons broken in flight list:
    • when i rewrote the main schedule i changed from day/time to flight id to target specific flights but did not change to this system in the flight list. updated code to reflect changes
CLEMENT blog post

My web site is actually a blog with one main page where I post my picture of the day so that people can follow me. It s nothing more than a picture and video post page.
*My issues (photoshop)
I can't resize picture

*My wishes
I wish I could superimpose picture without hiding one.
I want to create slide show as well .