Thursday, April 30, 2015
Monday, April 27, 2015
Final Stretch – Website Expectations
Here's the list of everyone's sites, and what has to be done to them to get an A. To get an A, all the bullets should be completed by our final – if the bullet that's shown in red is not completed but all the ones in black are completed by then, you'll get a B for your website.
- Create a Meditation Video
- Write two additional blog posts
- One blog post reviewing/summarizing an AWP panel presentation
- One blog post with a more personal take on AWP adventures
- Transcribe the best hits of the Bob interview, embed or link the audio
- Create a voice-over video media critique
- Create an overview (writing and pictures) of the May 2nd event
- Have bios and pics for the members
- Flesh out the mission statement
- On the homepage, post a 1 or 2 sentence overview of who the Mountain Kings are, and what they intend to do
- Write a more personal, conversational post about the "origin story" of the Mountain Kings – how they came to be
- Edit galleries down to the best dozen or so shots
- Create "Film" Gallery
- Create "Event" gallery, with a paragraph about your event photos
- Flesh out the contact section
- Link out to Flickr
- Create a snowboard edit to start a "video" section
- Experiment with establishing an "professional" instagram account
- Edit galleries down to the best dozen or so shots
- Finish the header so it feels more like an illustration, less like just another photo
- Fix the spacing around the header
- Use a different photo for the "About" section, word that section more confidently
- Create a skate video that uses time lapses, lighting, composition to stand out from a typical "trick-oriented" skate video
- Create the content that will fill my "City Guides" Page (pick three from the below list)
- Central Coast (Morro Bay, Cayucos, Los Osos, and Cambria)
- San Luis Obispo
- North Lake Tahoe (Tahoe City, Incline Village, Kings Beach)
- Truckee
- Avila Beach
- Dunsmir
- Ashland
- Big Sur
- Etc. (Aljezur, Portugal?)
- Create content for "About" page
- Create content for blog page
- Create custom google map for map page with all the locations I've been to
- Create Logo
- Namecheap web hosting
- Finish the two in-process posts – on the 22B STI and the Tundra interview
- Create two posts getting into Street Car content
- On all the existing posts, add a paragraph that gives the articles more of a personal voice - what the cars or highway have meant to you, so we feel like we're seeing things through your eyes.
- Finish article on Cal Poly Trip
- Get head shots and short bios of members
- Lay out the tournaments and results info more attractively
- Make one more video - this one with on-the-spot "interviews" or reactions
- Do a post that's a more in-depth "portrait of a team member," built off an interview
- Add a blog to the site. and add three posts, of the following type:
- A photo-essay of a trip, with 7-10 photos and writing about the trip
- A sort of "gear review" covering your reactions to your new camera
- A "process post" stepping though your techniques and thought process in editing an iage into its final form.
- Host your site
- Integrate the commerce section of your site
Monday, April 20, 2015
Problem Log 04/20 ErraticNomad
- After lots of struggling I was eventually able to download the Wordpress software. I achieved this by:
- Finding a youtube video that helped instruct me through the process of:
- Downloading MAMP
- Installing Wordpress with MAMP
- Created new blog content
- Lava Beds Post
- Santa Rosa Creek Post
- Still working on second interview post
- Stuggled with creating my own menu for the blog until I found the menu tab under apperance.
- Continued to struggle with until the primary menu button made itself obvious
- Created "About me" blurb in sidebar
- Proof read and edited
- Google maps plugin IHATEYOU. Still can't figure this shit out. Need to:
- Figure out how to put map in a specific post
- Highlight specific route
What I would like to have done before the end of the semester:
- Create the content that will fill my "City Guides" Page
- Central Coast (Morro Bay, Cayucos, Los Osos, and Cambria)
- San Luis Obispo
- North Lake Tahoe (Tahoe City, Incline Village, Kings Beach)
- Truckee
- Avila Beach
- Dunsmir
- Ashland
- Big Sur
- Etc. (Aljezur, Portugal?)
- Create content for "About" page
- Create content for Music page
- Cool places to see live music and reviews of said venues (CBC, Avila Beach, Coffee Bar, etc.)
- Upcoming shows
- Shows that I went to (Shakey Graves, Boombox, etc.)
- Create content for blog page
- Create custom google map for map page with all the locations I've been to
- Create Logo
- Namecheap web hosting
Problem Log Update Mountain Kings MCF
Current revisions:
Critiques from class on placement of currently used photos and content.
Simplify navigation
Ensure usability on web browsers: Safari, Firefox, Google Chrom
Ensure usability on smartphone: Apple and Android
Ensure pages/subpages uniform in presentation.
Ensure blog space uniform in presentation.
Need to build up BoD Page
Need revision of mission statement/future plan statements
Need more content-build out past events.
Change current pictures on pages to show current items instead of stock photos.
Critiques from class on placement of currently used photos and content.
Simplify navigation
Ensure usability on web browsers: Safari, Firefox, Google Chrom
Ensure usability on smartphone: Apple and Android
Ensure pages/subpages uniform in presentation.
Ensure blog space uniform in presentation.
Need to build up BoD Page
Need revision of mission statement/future plan statements
Need more content-build out past events.
Change current pictures on pages to show current items instead of stock photos.
Wednesday, April 15, 2015
Monday, April 13, 2015
Wednesday, April 8, 2015
Problem Log
-Organization is new, content is
extremely limited
Content Creation-
-Bios/Pics for Board of Directors (Get on May 2nd plus additional photography, group
photo etc)
-Revise Mission Statement
-Location tab
-Link Social Media Sites:
-Facebook (I will be admin along with
Bret, everyone else is an editor.)-Instagram-Twitter
-Resource Links are complete and up to date. (Check every week to ensure operability and accuracy)
-Past Events Blog for running history of organization, included pics and story
-Private Blogs for members of the organization. One started.
-Start adding organizational papers for members.
Mobile Site
-Up to date with regular site
problem log 2
Problem Log
-randomize home image
Find a plugin or something through wix that allows me to randomize a home screen image.
-take names off photos
Remove image tags that accompany photos in the gallery through wix.
-fill about me section
Write a paragraph about myself.
-organize photos in gallery
Choose the best 9 images to show at the top of the gallery.
-social media
Linked social media through wix.
-randomize home image
Find a plugin or something through wix that allows me to randomize a home screen image.
-take names off photos
Remove image tags that accompany photos in the gallery through wix.
-fill about me section
Write a paragraph about myself.
-organize photos in gallery
Choose the best 9 images to show at the top of the gallery.
-social media
Linked social media through wix.
Problem Log - 4/6-8
Problem log - Steve Granelli
1. Swap out the existing home page and create a new segment of the site called "featured articles."
2. Make the existing blog page the new home page and work on aesthetic aspects of the page to make it more visually appealing. Possibly change the background image of the home page and change the color scheme.
3. Finish building out the two uncompleted articles. Possibly delete the original design and create something less substantial that does not take up so much space.
4. Experiment with the blog app in WIX to see if it is easier to use long term than creating each post form scratch. Use whichever tool is more time efficient.
Monday, April 6, 2015
Henry's Updates for
-Organization is new, content is
extremely limited
Content Creation-
-Bios/Pics for Board of Directors (Get on May 2nd plus additional photography, group
photo etc)
-In depth description of organization
and what they do (Need to Revise)
-Build Social Media: Instagram, Flickr
etc. (Organizational, need team planning meeting to see
who will handle what)
-Facebook (I will be admin along with
Bret, everyone else is an editor.)
-Stream to Social Media (Upcoming
events, general member activity, motivational, informational) (Again team planning meeting)
-Resources Links (All links working and up to date, others? Where are our
boundaries on resources? Who do we want to promote and will promote us in
-Blog Page (Build history of
organization, past events, current events in targeted demographic, reactions to
events/issues) (Team voted yes. Personal Blog for each
member?)-Documentation of Events (Running history?) (Currently members only,
public blog?)
-Mobile site?
for Mission
-In Depth
Explanation of organization
for BoD Bios
short two to three sentences long bios
Main Page
for Upcoming
Media Links, Photos, Description of 5 W’s
for Past
-Social Media Links, Photos, Description
of 5 W’s
Up to
date, until further revisions proposed.
contact info, add Social Media Links
for members
Blogs, for Grizzly right now, others to follow.
-All club
documents under here.
documents somewhere?
Media Links:
Page Started (Henry)
Web Progress Update
By this week, if you're running a blog, you should have at least 4 blog posts up, of the following types:
1. An "Original Content" post:
Writing and pictures and/or videos documenting a personal experience, OR
2. A Commentary/opinion post:
What’s going on in the field? OR
Repurposing and recontextualizing other content (giving attribution, linking to sources, and not poaching too much) OR
Reviews (books, films, products, etc)
3. A Commentary/opinion post:
Interview format
4. A Repeatable “gimmick” formats –
Come up with a gimmick...
For this week, I want you to add:
#5. Personal experience/How To (if you did Personal experience before, do a "How To" this time - and vice-versa).
#6. Repurposing something current, with commentary - what's something newsworthy that you can comment on?
Wednesday, April 1, 2015
Problem Log Henry-VFW State Website
Basic Need to Know:
Who is the current provider we are
going through for our webpage?
What are the details of our contract?
What is the Meta data section for at
bottom of home page?
How do I get access to preform my
Official email for state webmaster?
Current Problems:
Home Page
-Link to vfw national page is not
active at bottom of page
-Does not connect to Facebook Link
-What does do for our department?
-Do we need an RSS feeder when we
don’t have a state feed?
-Highlighted areas under upcoming
events don’t link anywhere though they present like they should?
-Nothing under recent comments,
necessary at all?
-Under NV Veterans Resources:
-DAV Link is defunct
-Veterans Law Project is from New Hampshire,
why no links to our state? Will call them and follow up.
-Veterans News is a Wordpress blog
with no attribution on page. How do we know where we are getting our news?
-Why is there a junior past commander
on the directory page (Garlow)? We can make a separate page to recognize past
state commanders but the junior past commander doesn’t mean anything here. He’s
a past not a current officer or chair.
-Why is the chaplain’s email address
spelled “chaplin”? Unprofessional in appearance. We can afford the extra letter
in his vfw email address.
-Homeless Veterans Chair does not have
a VFW email address.
-Hospital Chair does not have a VFW
email address.
-Membership Chair does not have a VFW
email address.
-National Certified Recruiter does not
have a VFW email address.
-National Council Member does not have
a VFW email address.
-National Home Chair does not have a
VFW email address.
-National Service Officer does not
have a VFW email address.
-Officer of the Day does not have a
VFW email address.
-Outreach Chair does not have a VFW
email address.
-Parliamentarian does not have a VFW
email address.
-Silverlines Editor does not have a
VFW email address.
-SVA North Chair is the only one who
has “email” in front of their email address.
-VAVS Chairs do not have a VFW email
-VAVS Deputies do not have a VFW email
-Veteran Service Chair does not have a
VFW email address.
-Youth Activities Chair does not have
a VFW email address.
-Other positions not currently filled should
be removed from website until needed.
-No links to events on Calendar
-No department, district or post
meetings or activities listed (some listed but no links to district meeting or
activity information)
No VFW email address listed for state
Department/Privacy Statement:
Why is this here and not at bottom of
home page?
Not updated. Commanders need to be
contacted and informed.
Not updated. Commanders need to be contacted
and informed.
Ladies Auxiliary:
Links to webpages not formatted like
other department webpages are.
News & Media:
AQ Newsletter blank. Who is this for?
Photo Gallery Blank
Silverlines is not updated for newer
editions (if any available) and organization of past issues is messy
Programs/Chairmen Responsibilities:
Why is there a “?” on the top of this
Programs/National Home:
No VFW email address listed.
No VFW email address listed.
Blank, information submitted already.
Will resubmit.
No explanation of membership types or
requirement to identify with the SVA which national is asking on their forms.
No question on gender. Is this
aggregate data needed for other purposes?
Tools/Downloadable Forms:
Not all linked to working forms or
linked at all.
-News. We have three places for news?
Overkill? Duplication of effort?
-Past Commanders page, we can build
this relatively easily if requested.
-No links to by-laws for members.
Should be available for free. National, state, district and post by-laws are
not readily available for members to access.
Problem log
1. Blog Page - Add in a sidebar to the blog page that guides the user to recent posts and featured articles, possibly add in an archive function that organizes posts by date. Figure out a way to create blog posts that are not so time consuming.
2. Set the default text settings so that I don't have to change the size and font for every post.
1. Blog Page - Add in a sidebar to the blog page that guides the user to recent posts and featured articles, possibly add in an archive function that organizes posts by date. Figure out a way to create blog posts that are not so time consuming.
2. Set the default text settings so that I don't have to change the size and font for every post.
Just working through some general navigation and visual appearance of my site. Creating a fluent look and a style.
Problem Log
Erratic Nomad
Things to Improve Blog:
- Content, content, CONTENT!
- From previous experiences
- From places you would find unlikely
- Brainstom ideas for places your going to go
- Integrate interactive map into destinations page
- Brainstorm interesting people to interview
- How to utilizies social media
- Finish other pages (About me, etc.)
For the week of 3/30:
- I figured out how to customize google map with pins and link pins to certain articles...
- Catch up on content (st rosa ck, daryl tettimen)
- Infographic
- Posted review of Amazigh Hostel
- Had problem with image place...figured out!
- Researched travel infographics
- Creating infographic on travel tips for backpackers
- Finish personal experience
- Inserted image into sidebar
- Fixed images in text blog post
- Interview Post: Aaron
- Q/A Content
- Emailed to ask for pictures to use in article
- In process of getting more content from website
- Personal Experience Blog post
- Waiting to recieve more info
Things to Improve Blog:
- Content, content, CONTENT!
- From previous experiences
- From places you would find unlikely
- Brainstom ideas for places your going to go
- Integrate interactive map into destinations page
- Brainstorm interesting people to interview
- How to utilizies social media
- Finish other pages (About me, etc.)
For the week of 3/30:
- I figured out how to customize google map with pins and link pins to certain articles...
- Catch up on content (st rosa ck, daryl tettimen)
- Infographic
- Posted review of Amazigh Hostel
- Had problem with image place...figured out!
- Researched travel infographics
- Creating infographic on travel tips for backpackers
- Finish personal experience
- Inserted image into sidebar
- Fixed images in text blog post
- Interview Post: Aaron
- Q/A Content
- Emailed to ask for pictures to use in article
- In process of getting more content from website
- Personal Experience Blog post
- Waiting to recieve more info
Problem Log - World Of Rally
Steve Granelli
About : My site is all about offroad motorsports, particularly rally. It features articles, pictures, videos, and current events surrounding the sport.
Tasks for the week :
Opening paragraphs for articles. Include my own take on why I chose these particular subjects/cars.
To Do -
Add new section of the site that includes current events.
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