I grew up in Incline Village skiing, snowboarding, dirtbiking, skateboarding, etc. I have never really had the notion to move away because of the vast amenities that the Tahoe area has provided me. I do have the urge to travel around the world some more and have already done a fair share's worth in the last decade. I hope to one day get paid to do what I love rather than the current "joe-jobs" that I am currently employed by. I am currently working on getting a scholarship to go to the UK after I graduate to get my Masters Degree in audio engineering. I am also planning to ride my motorcycle around the world after I graduate from SNC.
The website I will be discussing is www.djtechtools.com
youtube pick http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_Ds5LjbyX74
this is so interesting.....Do you have clothes in triple X size....
Wow! So you want to just screw around and basically get paid to be a bum. We should all be so lucky :-)
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