Thursday, January 19, 2012

Assignment: SOPA and PIPA

A basic summary of the SOPA and PIPA bills:

More in-depth summaries, with links to the full text of the bills:

Govtrack's summary of SOPA is here.

Govtrack's summary of PIPA is here.

If you are in the "support of SOPA" or the "support of PIPA" group, come to Tuesday's class with a one-page paper, printed out, listing three reasons why the bill should be supported. On a second page, list the websites (including URLs) you used to research your argument.

If you are in the "opposition to SOPA" or the "opposition to PIPA" group, come to Tuesday's class with a one-page paper, printed out, listing three reasons why the bill should be opposed. On a second page, list the websites (including URLs) you used to research your argument.

If you want to share your personal opinion with your Congressional Representatives while the bills are still under discussion, here is the Nevada Senators and Representatives contact info:

If you're registered to vote in another state, you can look up your congressional Representatives from the main page:

Here is an example of something on the web, that has recently been going viral, which could potentially be a target of SOPA or PIPA if passed:

Hello from ant1mat3rie on Vimeo.

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