Tuesday, May 6, 2014

logg 6/5-14 felix mob

Today I finished up my paralax, made some stuff in photoshop, and published some stuff on my blog

Final Time & Context

OUR FINAL IS ON TUESDAY, May 13, from 9am-11am.

At the final, you will be expected to:

1. Show your finalized website, and it should be LIVE! DO IT LIVE!

2. Show us the most useful or interesting bit of "problem solving" you did in creating your website. For example, did you figure out how to integrate a Facebook feed with a Wix site? Or did you figure out how to integrate a shopping cart with a wordpress template?

This doesn't have to be a full-on tutorial ,but walk us through the basic steps of your problem solving solution.

3. Have you parallax files on a flash drive, and be ready to show off your parallax.

Thursday, May 1, 2014

felix m logg 5/1-14

made a new blog post and tried to figure out paralax, did not go great...

Course eval link


Tuesday, April 29, 2014

4/29-14 felix mobarg

Today I created and uploaded a flash movie to the blog, a add for my blog basically

For today

Hi everyone – I'm going to be about an hour late this morning – have to take my kid to a doctor check-up appointment, because my wife came down with the stomach flu and can't take her as planned. My apologies.

Before I arrive, if you could export your flash banners as both a swf file and as an animated gif, I'd like to take a look at those as soon as I get in. If anyone has a flash drive that everyone can put the exported files on, that would be ideal, so I don't have to spend time collecting the files when I get there.

Also, before I get there, take a look at the three parallax examples in the below class blog post. There are three examples - one that moves vertically, one that moves horizontally, and one that sort ofopens the images like curtains (not exactly parallax, but cool nonetheless). Each example has a demo and downloadable files.

Please pick the demo that looks the most interesting to you, in terms of the page functionality, and start to develop graphics you'd like to deploy for your own parallax page. In other words, I want you to take one of the formats (vetical, horizontal, or "curtains"), and figure out a cool design for a page that would work for that format, using your own ideas and graphics - basically customizing the effect with your visuals. This could be something related to your website, or it could be something totally new. I can help you with sizing, and so on, when you get back - but start to assemble your images. You will eventually have to save them as PNGs with transparency, so that the images "behind" the front images can be seen.

Parallax References

Here are three, with different effects, and downloadable source files:




Tuesday, April 22, 2014

keifer log 4-22-14

I worked on the animation for my website banner, and got a lot done, but may work on it a bit more.

felix logg 4/22-14

made a add for my page with flash and posted another photo on the blog

Link to standard web banner sizes

Here, for reference today:


Thursday, April 17, 2014

Felix Logg 4/17-14

today I made two new posts. first post was some skate pics from the other day and the second one was a picture that i photoshopped in class

Eric Unterberger 4/17/2014


I worked with different formatting options in order to add an online calendar to my website.
Unfortunately google calendars won't work through Weebly, so I needed to use outside sourcing and integrate a calendar that wont work through LDGS's primary email address.

Still waiting for official product photos for LDGS website.

4/17/14 Claire Bagg Website Updates...


Today I worked on the following:

  -Added some new blogs
         -finding more inspiration.

About Me:
  - I re-wrote my "About Me" hopefully making it more descriptive.
       -edited picture to fit in more with other images of mine.
            -more desaturated with vingetting.

Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Claire Bagg - 4/15 Updates

4/15 work:

- Added to my blog.
- Worked on getting my site more publicized with the public
- Added to my art based Instagram 

Felix Logg 4/15-14

- Edited my sets on flickr and created galleries to post on my blogger for all of my pages
- changed my blogger pages, gathered all snow, skate, surf under one page
-posted a new photo

Thursday, April 10, 2014

Eric Unterberger 4/10/14

Today I integrated Facebook into my Weebly website, by adding a like box that displays recent posts and people who follow LDGS. I also learned how to work with iframe in the process. I researched how to integrate the LDGS Instagram page, and I am currently looking for the best way to apply the code to my Weebly website.

Keifer Bly Post April 10 2014

Today, I added more videos to my website, and also fully laid out my plan for my next tutorial, which will over gaming.

4/10 Katie Jensen

I applied image rollover buttons with links to different pages of my site on wix! as the viewer rolls over my home page images they turn from black and white to color

felix long 4/10-14

Today I started a flicker account to easier manage my photos and to be able to make galleries for the blog
4/8 Katie Jensen

added pictures to miscellaneous section
created animation that occur when different pages are opened by the viewer
added a more confident about me and changed my picture

Tuesday, April 8, 2014

Keifer Bly Log 4-8-14

Today, I fixed an image with my websites template where I could not upload a custom image as my website header. I also removed a strange black bar that was blocking the view of my website header image, and added some more tech tutorial videos to my website.


  • Added new pictures
  • Changed the font to a standard size and color
  • Added paragraphs
  • Included a Gallery category
  • Worked on the design

Jake's Log 04-08-2014

- Updated "Venues - SF/Bay Area" with original writing
- Updated "Homepage" with news (original writing) upcoming events, and links to buy tickets
- Updated "Media" page with Soundcloud embeds and Youtube embeds

Felix long 4/8-2014

Today I posted more pictures
and went out to take some new ones in the skatepark
and messed with the design
changed and edited the header picture
also added a contact bar on on the navigation

Thursday, April 3, 2014

Eric's Log

Week 1:

·        Edited and added content to events page
      Incorporated Events Schedule into the website using a word document allowing consistent updates of the fairs and festivals lemon drop gift shop will be attending.
      Continued to work on home page banner using the editing tools Weebly provides
             Sorted through and deleted all saved photos that will lead to copyright if uploaded to the Weebly website
      On the Store page I incorporated six subpages for dresses, jewelry, scarfs, skirts, purses, and hats. Instead of having every product on one page, this will help the buyer sort through and find exactly what they need.  
            Before next class… get better product photos to upload to the Weebly website. Photos should look professional with a white backdrop.
      Week 2:
n    Added products to Store Page.
      Continued to edit homepage, while adding facebook, instagram, and twitter links.
      Researched how to add instagram updates to the home page.
      Linked the contact page to the special order paragraph on dresses page 


What Keifer Bly Accomplished Today

Today, after some exploring, I managed to figure out how to add a new page to my website. Using this, I was able to add a contact page with all of the ways that anybody who has any questions could possibly contact me.

I also worked on finding a way to change the background image of my website's templates. While unsuccesful, I did find out how to upload images to my website in general.

Ted Porter Logg

Ted Porter  Logg
- I learned how to color correct, crop and all that in photo shop.
- I'm not sure if it is just my trial but I am having a hard time saving my photos as a Jpeg.
-Just figured out the saving issue.
April, 8
- Continued to color correct photos.
- Working on stitching photos together.
- Finished the prices on the menu
- Wrote "our story"
- Still messing with photoshop
Today I learned that if you tap a word with 3 fingers on the track pad with a mac, it will bring up the definition for that word.
april 22
-Today I learned how to make flash banners
-also worked more in photoshop
april 24
- worked on my banner more tying it into my sites theme
- Worked more in photo shop I learned how to use the selection tool
- got a lot better and creating motion tweens
May 1
- Worked with parallax. Struggled. I tried to switch some images but it didn't really work.

what Sean accomplished today

I added a revised version of my artist statement in the about section of my website. I also figured out how to add my own header. I did this by doing a lot of clicking around. I also deleted the stock photos that i had added to take the place of my actual photos.  The next step is taking pictures of all my work. I figured out that i need to borrow the cube from Rick and a nice camera from someone, possibly eric

Jake O'Leary - Log

Today in class, I populated my site with:

- Song of the day with paragraph about song
- Populated Tahoe venues page with pictures and description
- Populated Reno venues page with pictures and description

Sierra Progress

-successfully imported rollover social icons into blog
-working on background
-working on painting

Claire Bagg -- Day to Day Work Schedule

April 3, 2014:
         Worked on artists "About Me" page.
                     -I read different artists statements from other photographers/friends such as Annie
                      Leibovitz, Benjo Aras, Russell James, Maggie Taylor & Steve McCurry.
                                -Most other statements or bios I read talk about their life work and what they
                                 have achieved throughout their career. Since I am just beginning in photography
                                 I decided to keep my bio or "about me" page simple and short.

          Added to my blog.
                     - Updated information on my Artist Statement continuation.
                     - Added a blog about the upcoming "fairy tale takeover" coming in theaters
                       through the next two years. Which I am SO excited about!

Felix logg 3/4-14

Toady I messed with the layout of my blogger blog

I changed:

the header,

the theme,

the background,

the navbar,

added a new page.

I also updated the blog with some new photos

and changed the names of my pages.

Tuesday, April 1, 2014

schedule for KT illustrated

Katie Jensen

I am going to continue with my wix site.  

April 1st: 

I am going to work on my homepage layout and make the font more consistent throughout the site.  I am also going to change my navigation bar to less specific categories and add a miscellaneous section. 

April 3rd: 

Have a full plan of the text that is to show up on the site.  Make the text more formal as if someone were looking to hire me based on my site.  Select one picture rather than three for my about me.  
add roll overs

Aril 8th:

make a different header something with KTillustrated
layout for digital art and video and miscellaneous
make some kind of grid with rollover animation 
keep the site black and white while the artwork is the only color.  
make use of negative space

April 10th-22nd:

layouts for the rest of the sub pages
add contact information 

April 29th:

will have photographs of all the artwork left in my hometown.  can add to the paintings and drawings section

Eric's to-do list

Week 1:

Lemon Drop Gift Shop….. Eric Unterberger

Continue adding to Weebly.
      Create a Home page
S    Switch content on the About page and change paragraph txt
            Add black fade and brighten banner to make it more visible
      Take out banner on Contact page
      Add subpages to the store including dresses, skirts, scarves, jewelry, and hats
·       On Dresses page include txt stating that all pattern dresses are custom, and no two patterns are the same. Please call or click the contact link at the top of the page for your special order.

      Week 2:

Add an events page that lists each fair/ festival Lemon Drop Gift Shop will be attending including their dates and times. Can a public calendar be integrated? Contact Linda, get her feedback for content/design. Put facebook, instagram contacts on homepage. 

Week 3: Look into integrating instagram and facebook feeds directly into site.

Thursday, March 27, 2014

Keifer Bly Website Edits

1. Edit the menubar (making it less scrunched, move to the top) 2. Make more videos for the site. 3. Maybe add more images to the site. 4. Find a way to fix the homepage url. 5. Switch the site so that about page or home page load page. 6. Maybe add a contact page to the site. 7. Remove the "by:wassup2190" sign on the head image.

week 1: Settle on a theme with a top menu bar. Customize header Add a contact page. Pick a subject for new tutorial.

week 2: Draft a mew tutorial. 

week 3-4:

Faux Fate Art Porfolio (Sierra Granados)

I am going to move forward with using wix- since i have a domain name. I hope to also work with dreamweaver too though, to further add/customize elements to my webpages.

  1. Home Page
    • Menu (header)
      • Home
      • Contact/About
        • is there another word i could use that includes the 2? ie. personal?
      • Blog
        • just realized i like the idea of having a blog
        • using blogger- *still need to create acct and make posts*
        • want to show progress with art peices, and friends/customers who have my art and are happy with it
    • Rollover/Nav Hand Icon (content)
      • navigates to skatedecks page, paintings page, and illustrations page- *need to change 'illustrations' to 'Misc.'-page name change*
    • Social bar (below content)
      • facebook, instagram, gmail icons
      • *need to add blogger icon*
  2. Skatedeck Page
    • Menu (header)
      • Home, Contact/ About, Blog (left)
      • Page Title (center)
      • Skatedecks, Paintings, Misc. (right)
    • Gallery (content)
      • grid layout, squares, rollover images
      • *need to take pictures of new decks, and add them to gallery*
  3. Paintings Page
    • Menu (header)
      • Home, Contact/ About, Blog (left)
      • Page Title (center)
      • Skatedecks, Paintings, Misc. (right)
    • Gallery (content)
      • grid layout, large rectangles, rollover imgs
      • *need to make more paintings*
  4. Misc.
    • Menu (header)
      • Home, Contact/ About, Blog (left)
      • Page Title (center)
      • Skatedecks, Paintings, Misc. (right)
    • Gallery (content)
      • collage layout, includes illustrations and graphics
  5. Contact/About
    • Menu (header)
      • Home, Contact/ About, Blog (left)
      • Page Title (center)
      • Skatedecks, Paintings, Misc. (right)
    • Img of Me, Instagram feed below (content left)
    • Description, contact info below (content right)
  6. Blog
    • *need to figure out layout, posts, everything*

week 1: fix contact/about, consistant nav bar, look up different blogger templates
week 2: new material for decks, gallerys, paintings
week 3: lightbox javascript gallery, 
week 4: looking at paralax

What to work on....Claire Bagg

Chosen website site: Weebly

            Text change to be added/made:
                           - Work on about page; what to talk about, how to describe self and work ect.
                                      - Add additional contact information into "About" page to make it more
                                        easily seen and accessible.

            Changes to be made:
                           - Remove button "next album" comes off a bit confusing; directs you to the next
                             album before getting a chance to view the album below.
                           - Keep black/grey box with album description but remove image behind; image
                             seems too obscure (on both "Fine Arts" & "Portraits").
                           - Show top few images to grab viewers attention, rather than having to make them
                             scroll all the way to the bottom (in both "Fine Arts" & "Portraits").
                           - Fix "Portrait" description sentence; spelling, words, explanation ect.
                           - For "Portraits" section choose maybe 5-7 images like in Fine Arts; try not to cluster
                             page with too many images, can be a bit overwhelming.

Check working progress:

          Squaring away the about page.

          Adding to the blog.
          Creating an art focused Instagram.
          Work on increasing activity through blog, site, Instagram ect.

Daniel Chavez working list

  • ·      Work with Wix
  • ·      Change the background to a lake view
  • ·      Take some pictures of actual work
  • ·      Pick a font and stick to it
  • ·      Change the color of the fonts to match the pictures
  • ·      Add a gallery category to compare the before and after of the projects
  • ·      Change some words to make it clear to the public
  • ·      Work on the commercial category
  • ·      Work on the residential category
  • ·      Add contact information
  • ·      Create a facebook page
  • ·      Create a instagram page      

Week 1 - photos and write text for all the sections 
Week 2 - select photos and make galleries, make design fixes 
Week 3 - set up a Facebook and Instagram account 
Week 4 - produce contact for Facebook and Instagram account
Week 5 - Review

Jake O'Leary's To-do List

Jake O’Leary
Site Plans

I have chosen to continue my page on Wix, I feel that it is more user friendly and customizable.

On my page, I need to populate a lot of information, and keep up with it daily.

  1. Original gallery pictures on main page
  2. Populate news on main page (1 - 2 weeks, per week)
  3. Populate song of the day daily with small paragraph and description
  4. Populate links to purchase tickets (for shows spoken on on my site or what I recommend)
  5. Populate “Venues” main page with a brief history and opinion on the great venues around the area
  6. Populate “Venues - Tahoe” with original paragraphs and owned photography for specified venues around the lake (CBC, Mont Bleu, Whiskey Dicks, Lakeside, Harvey’s, ETC)
  7. Populate “Venues - Reno” with original paragraphs and owned photography for specified venues in Reno (Knitting Factory, ComRoww, Silver Legacy, Grand Sierra, The Alley, ETC)
  8. Populate “Venues - SF/Bay Area” with original photographs and oned photography for specified venues in SF and the Bay Area (Warfield, Regency, Fillmore, Fox Theater, Harlow’s, ETC)
  9. Populate upcoming shows by month and by venue, updating bi-weekly
  10. Populate media page with relevant media to upcoming shows and past shows, updating bi-weekly
  11. Populate “Reviews” page with reviews as they come about in a blog format, updating after each show I experiance
  12. Update contact page to include a user submitted forum to help populate the site.

Week 1:

Populate song of the day daily with small paragraph and description
Populate “Venues” main page with a brief history and opinion on the great venues around the area

Week 2:

Original gallery pictures on main page
Populate “Venues - Tahoe” with original paragraphs and owned photography for specified venues around the lake (CBC, Mont Bleu, Whiskey Dicks, Lakeside, Harvey’s, ETC)
Populate news on main page (1 - 2 weeks, per week)
Populate “Venues - Reno” with original paragraphs and owned photography for specified venues in Reno (Knitting Factory, ComRoww, Silver Legacy, Grand Sierra, The Alley, ETC)

Week 3:

Populate upcoming shows by month and by venue, updating bi-weekly
Populate media page with relevant media to upcoming shows and past shows, updating bi-weekly
Populate “Reviews” page with reviews as they come about in a blog format, updating after each show I experiance

Week 4:

Populate “Reviews” page with reviews as they come about in a blog format, updating after each show I experiance
Update contact page to include a user submitted forum to help populate the site.

Felix Mobärg's to do list


- review blogspot templates
- Fix the pictures in the homepage. Redo the edges on the hands and get rid of the box in the header.
-create pages for each section
- Change the faces page to people.
- Fix the Facebook, Instagram and email in the footer to links on homepage.
-embedding galleries from picasa
-research integrating instagram in blog
-design blogger


-integrating histogram and Facebook with blog
- Organize the photos in people; get rid of the ‘’Facebook profile pictures’’.

-  Update the galleries with newly taken photos. Keep the best 4 on each page and then update with new ones.

- Make the inspiration page better, organized left with photos and comments to the right.

- New header for the snow page.

- and make a new page ''stupidity'' with photoshopped stupidity of friends.
Sean Leahy

I am going to be working with wix. I need to work on perfecting my header and possibly working on making my name appear better. I will make sure all the fonts mach up. I may need to revise my artist statement. The biggest task i will have is re-shooting photos of my works. I will use the cube and lighting to shoot much more professional photos. After that i will continue to add new works to my site as they are created. I will also include works in progress and possible ideas and inspiration.

Breakfast site revisions

Write "our story"
Edit and link the Facebook 
edit and finalize the menu page prices and all.
change map address.

Make and take Pictures of
- pancakes
- breakfast sandwiches.
- French toast and fruit
- fruit salad
- breakfast plate
- eggs

Allison McCulloch Wordpress

I have decided to go with the Wordpress site to further develop my blog. In the next few classes I would like to hone in on the design elements of my site. I need to create a custom header that represents my personality and the overall feeling of the blog. I would like to change my background from a color to an image that will coordinate with the design elements I already have. I might try and add a few more widgets like a music player and my instagram.

            Once I have the design worked out, my next goal is to continue to post interesting content on my blog. I think a good goal would be two to three times a week. In order to do this I really need to brainstorm content for posts. I also need to take more pictures of my adventures and daily happenings. Because I made this blog to organize everything I find cool into one place… I need to keep finding cool things to write about!

            Another goal I have is to explore into other blogs I like either for their content or their design and try to take from that. When I post content I need to link it to my facebook to promote people to read it and follow. What is a blog if you have no one reading it? That will take some confidence in my writing as well but I think if I can come up with good content, people will read it.

Week 1:
Design Elements, header, background color, adding widgets, creating nav bar with separate blog feeds, finishing about me

Week 2&3:
Adding Content.. 1 per class (more photos, videos, etc)

Week 4:
Cross posting to facebook, instagram, etc. 

Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Monday, March 3, 2014

Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Resources for class, 2/25

The CSS Box Model:


The position declaration:


Positioning elements with CSS:


CSS Positioning Tutorial below. Note -- there are a couple glitches in the directions. Step 11 should say "{h3}Sidebar" instead of "{h2}Sidebar." Step 17 is completely erroneous, and will result in a file where the bottom of the content in the sidebar will push down all the content in the "Maincontent" div from the second header. Instead of following the directions on the pdf, do the following:

For the CSS rules for the "maincontent" div, add a "float left" property. In order for the text in the "maincontent" div to have some space between it and the sides of the div, add 20 pixels of padding to the left and right margins. Add 5 pixels of padding to the left and right margins of the "sidebar" div as well. Finally, add the "clearfloat" class to a "br" tag just before the footer, following the directions at the bottom of page 14.


The start.html file to begin the tutorial:


Follow this tutorial to page 17 only – disregard the last three pages.

Thursday, February 20, 2014

Clip of the day

Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Download link for HTML



References for Today's Class: 2/11

Today, in class, I'd like you to choose an html template from Dreamweaver (one of the two-column options with a header and footer), and re-style several elements. Don't just change the elements in a random manner – try to make all your styling cohere into an attractive design. There are at least six elements I want you to alter:

1. Insert new text, instead of the Dreamweaver "dummy" text. You can use Lorem Ipsum text.
2. Style the text differently.
3. Change the margins and/or padding on some elements.
4. Insert a few links in the text, and change the styling of the links.
5. Insert at least two images, and "float" them relative to the text.
6. Change the background color of all the elements (header, footer, sidebar, content).

And here are some links to online color palette resources:

Colour lovers

 Design seeds