Thursday, March 27, 2014

Allison McCulloch Wordpress

I have decided to go with the Wordpress site to further develop my blog. In the next few classes I would like to hone in on the design elements of my site. I need to create a custom header that represents my personality and the overall feeling of the blog. I would like to change my background from a color to an image that will coordinate with the design elements I already have. I might try and add a few more widgets like a music player and my instagram.

            Once I have the design worked out, my next goal is to continue to post interesting content on my blog. I think a good goal would be two to three times a week. In order to do this I really need to brainstorm content for posts. I also need to take more pictures of my adventures and daily happenings. Because I made this blog to organize everything I find cool into one place… I need to keep finding cool things to write about!

            Another goal I have is to explore into other blogs I like either for their content or their design and try to take from that. When I post content I need to link it to my facebook to promote people to read it and follow. What is a blog if you have no one reading it? That will take some confidence in my writing as well but I think if I can come up with good content, people will read it.

Week 1:
Design Elements, header, background color, adding widgets, creating nav bar with separate blog feeds, finishing about me

Week 2&3:
Adding Content.. 1 per class (more photos, videos, etc)

Week 4:
Cross posting to facebook, instagram, etc. 

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