Wednesday, January 18, 2017

Env Sci Ecology and Sustainability

I'm Aaron
(Can you guess this image?)
       I was Born and raised here in Incline Village. I'm on the lookout for a new paradise somewhere 👀 if that's possible because this place is getting too crowded and polluted for me. I love everything science, nature, and sustainability. Interested in most other things.
      I'm taking Web Design in my last semester because I have already spent much of my life DYI-ing all kinds of computer stuff and it made sense to audit the class to pick up a few things and keep it fresh in mind going forward.

  • Grabyourwallet is an interesting website because someone threw it together as part of a larger divestment movement that is happening right now. Positive change has to come from the ground up. People need to realize where their money is going to these forces that are threatening our lives.
  • Astronomy Picture of the Day is a cool website for astronomy related photography and phenomenon.
  • Earth Nullschool is a cool website to check out the weather.

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