Tuesday, March 28, 2017

Mariah's 5 Week Plan

Week 1
·        Create website opener image
·        Sketch out and create more original illustrations
·        Sketch out and create more commissioned images for book illustrations (Also part of internship)
Problem Log:
               4/4- Finished opening image but had problems loading it in with Wix ADI editor, had to go back to the regular WIX editor, which I do know better, but it is not as streamlined and focused as ADI.  Minor issues with laptop processor when it came to the creation of the opener image, but it is up and everything seems to be going much better now.
               4/7 - Changed from WIX ADI to WIX Editor, it's going much better now. Organizing the photos is difficult with my many files, but I'll continue working on them and organizing them.

Week 2
·        Create more original illustrations
·        Begin drafting timeline for types of blog posts (Trip to Japan, new artists, ect…)
·        Possibly film introduction video
Problem Log:
               4/11 - Working on more individual illustrations that are being used in a book series and internship, some issues with Photoshop interfering with Paint Tool SAI, but it's going pretty well so far.
               4/13- ???

Week 3
·        Photographs of workspace w/Morgan Meadows
·        Organize photographs on “About” page and write biography
·        Organize galleries and determine titles for subpages
Problem Log:

Week 4
·        Create Facebook, LinkedIN, and Twitter accounts for TrivialCreations
·        Connect above social media to website
·        Organize social media to coexist with website
Problem Log:

Week 5
·        Make website live
·        Begin writing 2+ blog posts a week and posting them actively
Problem Log:

Website: http://editor.wix.com/html/editor/web/renderer/edit/755d8521-ebbb-479b-b984-083eb2927a14?metaSiteId=35c5f475-7af7-4d0e-972e-53d5cc7a8fdf&editorSessionId=2661CCA2-D3D2-49C3-B890-4653A20DBB02

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