3 week plan
By end of this week choose the final template and finish the first page.
1. Week (4/2-4/8) in Mammoth
Take more photos from Mammoth and write a story for my blogpost
Choose a font for my website
Choose a final name for my website
Design second pages
Link the second pages with navigation bar etc.
Design footer
2. Week (4/9-4/15) Trip to SF
Take more photos from San Fransisco and write a story for my blogpost
Start focusing on actual blog - Design the blog page
Write and design "About Me" page
Choose countries and places I'm going to write about
Write two posts (one of these topics: San Fransisco, Mammoth, New York, Yosemite)
3. Week (4/16-4/22)
Take photos in Squaw and other ski resorts around Tahoe when we still have snow
Edit old photos from Europe where I traveled
Write three blogposts (one of these topics: Krk - Croatia, Ljubljana - Slovenia, Camping - Norway, Finland)