Monday, March 26, 2018

3 Week Plan & "Problem Log"

Week 1:
  • Wednesday: Actively be shooting photos. Continue to schedule shoots and reach out to local brands/ designers/ boutiques to collaborate with. 
Week 2:
  • Monday: Finalize "About Me" section, create a professional email address, select an appropriate about me photo.  
  • Wednesday: Organize all my photos, sort them into categories (main "style", BTS, and portraits), and select the strongest images for each gallery. Resize them, edit them to appear cohesive in style and upload them to site. 
Week 3:
  • Monday: Start a "blog"or BTS gallery section for the site, telling the story and thought behind the style and vibe of the most recent shoot. 
  • Wednesday: Make another blog (or BTS gallery) post, continue to edit photos and schedule shoots with the use of my professional email address. Incorporate Instagram into website and "polish" Instagram to be cohesive with information represented on website. 

Problem Log: 

  • Finalizing the editing of some of my photos - I found that the current website template I was utilizing no longer worked design wise for my website and I am searching for the best one
  • Issues with dropbox storage - I need to purchase an external hard drive for photo editing/ transfer of files
  • Change to website organization based on photo categories 

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