1. List out some of the basic HTML tags that usually make up a page. What are some of the most common tags, what do they control, and what are a few useful ways you can style them?
2. Explain the difference between HTML and CSS, and explain the ways they relate to each other. Compare the way you can use "inline styling" and the way you can activate an external style sheet. Give at least two examples of CSS styling.
3. Explain how images can be included in web pages. Compare the use of an image that you are hosting yourself, and an image that is hosted on some other site. Give at least two examples of ways images can be styled on a web page, and show the coding behind those styles.
4. Explain how fonts can be used and styled on web pages. How can you prioritize fonts on a webpage. Explain at least five properties of fonts that can be customized through CSS.
5. How can you use a font that a user might not have installed on their own computer?
5. How can you use a font that a user might not have installed on their own computer?
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