Monday, April 1, 2019

5 week plan J.M. 4 Official Blog

Five Week Plan for My Website

Week 1: Choose the best layout for my blog page, and also work on the title of the page

Week 2: Create the four different section of my page and focus on each one individually. For the photo gallery, I need to gather all the soccer pictures I want to put it there. Also, I want to add a stats section (Stats section is done, maybe I will add some more info into that)

Week 3: Work on my highlight’s videos. I believe this is the most important part of my website, I already have 2 highlight videos, but they are from a long time ago. My plan is to create and edit an updated highlight video and post with the other 2. (Problems solved: I found out that for the highlight video I can use quicktime to make the cuts. I just need to finish collecting the best parts and get a good edition. The second problem was opening the videos in the website. The solution for that was adding a link that would take users to my youtube page.

Week 4: When I am done with the highlight’s videos, I plan to put everything together end finalize each section

Week 5: Revise every page, make sure all the pictures and videos are there. Once, I feel the page is ready I will publish it.

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