Wednesday, April 17, 2019

Jaime Edwards Prob log

Problem Log: 

Problem 1:
Trying to figure out how to start selling my book and deciding what to use to do so?

After uploading my PDF to Blurb and ordering my first copies the option to sell my book came up leading me to...

Problem 2:
are they the best for doing this profit wise?

After some research I realized they are pretty much the same as all other platforms to sell your book through. They take the amount out that it costs for them to make the book and then the rest goes to me as profit. The profit doesn’t get sent to me until the end of each month as long as the profit is over 20 dollars.

I ended up setting it up to sell through blurb.

Problem 3:
How to link it to my buy now button on Wix. I have only ever linked URLs on SquareSpace and it was never something where you can purchase an item.
I figured out how to change the link attached to the buy now button pretty quickly.

1 comment:

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