Wednesday, February 14, 2018

Font Usage

5. Explain how fonts can be used and styled on web pages. 

-Fonts are a vital aspect to your webpage design
-Fonts can be styled as normal, italic and oblique
-Font colors, sizing and spacing may be adjusted

How can you prioritize fonts on a webpage, and how can you use a font that a user might not have installed on their own computer?

-CSS List of font families, and the browser will select the first font in the list and go down the list if the font cannot be found or downloaded 
-If it's not on your computer, you may use Google Fonts for example. 

Explain at least five properties of fonts that can be customized through CSS.

- font- family 
- font- size
- font- style (normal, italic, oblique)
- font- weight
- font- variant

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