Wednesday, March 28, 2018

Saana Ahonen

3 week plan

By end of this week choose the final template and finish the first page.

1. Week (4/2-4/8) in Mammoth

Take more photos from Mammoth and write a story for my blogpost
Choose a font for my website
Choose a final name for my website
Design second pages
Link the second pages with navigation bar etc.
Design footer

2. Week (4/9-4/15) Trip to SF

Take more photos from San Fransisco and write a story for my blogpost
Start focusing on actual blog - Design the blog page
Write and design "About Me" page
Choose countries and places I'm going to write about 
Write two posts (one of these topics: San Fransisco, Mammoth, New York, Yosemite)

3. Week (4/16-4/22) 

Take photos in Squaw and other ski resorts around Tahoe when we still have snow
Edit old photos from Europe where I traveled 
Write three blogposts (one of these topics: Krk - Croatia, Ljubljana - Slovenia, Camping - Norway, Finland)

Rachel's Three Week Plan

Week 1:

-Finalize layout and color palette
-Upload photos to the master folder
-Finalize tab names and photos
-Fill in all wording on the home page

Week 2:

-Create one piece of content for each section (Travel, DIY, Inspiration)
-Create more creative pieces on the website (social media bar, decorative headers)
-Finish About Me section

Week 3:

-Create one piece of content for each section (Travel, DIY, Inspiration)
-Finalize all writing sections
-Publish site

Problem Log:

Week 1: Saana showed me how to add my Instagram feed to the bottom of the page. I originally had a scrolling photo gallery with uploaded images, but the Instagram feed is much better because it updates with my latest photos and gives viewers the opportunity to follow me on social media.

Week 2: I posted my first blog post and saw how it looks when finalized. I played around with different image styling and size in the post.

Week 3: I accidentally deleted what I thought was just a text box, but it was the automatic blog feed. Chris and I, after trial and error, figured out had to add back the custom feed and designate it for each specific tab.

Emma Stenvall

Three-week plan

Week 1: 
Write the "about" section, Organize the photos, sort them into categories and select the strongest 30 images for each gallery. Upload them.

Week 2: 
Tag the photos with location, organize them in color, publish the website

Week 3: 
Market the website

Tuesday, March 27, 2018

3 week plan

week 1: finish layout of homepage and uploading images

week 2: Layouts of all of the different categories,  make an "about me" paragraph

Week 3: Figure out coloring of all pages, make any final changes.

Simon Ottosson

Week 1,
Shoot portrait for ''about me'' section(+ color correction) + finish up layout for home page + gather all content in a folder

Week 2,
Start writing the code for the site = have the basic layout of divs placed
plan content for each div (text+navbar)

Week 3,
Activate links + touch ups + photos
Add content to the portfolio section

Problem Log:
I have been trying to figure out how to make what I believe is called a parallax scroll function for the bottom of my page. For that I have to add a Java script function, which is a different language that I have yet to figure out how to make talk to CSS and HTML. By not knowing how to achieve this I was forced to play around further with placement and sizing of images and div's. This have given me a minor confidence boost in my quest of learning this foreign language.

Monday, March 26, 2018

3 Week Plan

My plan throughout the 3 weeks is to download pictures from Pazcuaro into my website. I want to focus on the main stuff first. For example, a navigation bar, color balance, logo, header photo, and a good introduction about me. My website will be a photo gallery about Pazcuaro, Mexico.

Morgan Meadows

Week 1:
Gather, edit and upload photos. Finish formatting website.

Week 2:
Work on adding content to journalism blog.

Week 3:
Social media. Make facebook page.

Problem log:

3/28 Having difficulty finding/choosing my best images for the site.

3 Week Plan

Week 1.
Find photo's to use,  that may be updated later.  Find a template that fits my design.  Write our Mission and Goals.

Week 2.
Write the About US section.  Find customers testimonies.

Week 3.
Create and install the interactive calendar for the website.

-Frederick McCarthy

Three week plan

Week 1:
             -Write an about me page
             -Finalize layout and design
             -Make a logo?
             -Decide whether to stay with Format or switch to Squarespace depending on HTML/CSS                     editability

Week 2:
            -Find the needed code

Week 3:

3 Week Plan & "Problem Log"

Week 1:
  • Wednesday: Actively be shooting photos. Continue to schedule shoots and reach out to local brands/ designers/ boutiques to collaborate with. 
Week 2:
  • Monday: Finalize "About Me" section, create a professional email address, select an appropriate about me photo.  
  • Wednesday: Organize all my photos, sort them into categories (main "style", BTS, and portraits), and select the strongest images for each gallery. Resize them, edit them to appear cohesive in style and upload them to site. 
Week 3:
  • Monday: Start a "blog"or BTS gallery section for the site, telling the story and thought behind the style and vibe of the most recent shoot. 
  • Wednesday: Make another blog (or BTS gallery) post, continue to edit photos and schedule shoots with the use of my professional email address. Incorporate Instagram into website and "polish" Instagram to be cohesive with information represented on website. 

Problem Log: 

  • Finalizing the editing of some of my photos - I found that the current website template I was utilizing no longer worked design wise for my website and I am searching for the best one
  • Issues with dropbox storage - I need to purchase an external hard drive for photo editing/ transfer of files
  • Change to website organization based on photo categories 

3 week plan


Week 1: Finish Shooting all my photos and start editing
After week 1, I have finished all major photographing, and have started editing my photos.

Week 2: Continue working with Photoshop/edit all photos, start importing images to site

Week 3: Finish importing all images, polish finished site

The Three-Week Plan and "Problem Log"


Starting today, I want you to make a post on this blog laying out a three-week plan for yourself – explaining what you plan to accomplish in class for this week and the following two weeks. The plan is for you to have at least a rough draft of your completed site up by the end of that three weeks. That will give us a couple weeks to do some social media marketing around your site (Daniel Kelly will be talking to our class on April 16th, explaining the online marketing he does for SNC), and to make final touches/edits on your site.

A plan for a portfolio site might look something like this:

Week 1:

Wednesday: Write "About Me" section, get a good "action photo" of myself using the camera. Send emails to clients I've had, to try and get :"testimonials" I can use on my site.

Week 2:

Monday: Organize all my photos, sort them into categories (Nature, Wedding, Personal Work), and select the strongest 12 images for each gallery. Resize them for the web and upload them.

Wednesday: Design a logo for the header of the site, and create the header in Photoshop.

Week 3:

Monday: Start a "blog" section for the site, documenting the last photo shoot I was on.

Wednesday: Make another blog post; incorporate a map into my site, so I can tag locations of my travel photography.

THE PROBLEM LOG (which is built out from the same "three week plan" blog post on this site)

You'll add to that initial three-week plan blog post, writing an ongoing "problem log," detailing the sorts of things you figure out along the way. For example, maybe you figured out how to get into the CSS of his wordpress site, and adjust stylings in the header. Or maybe you started to use a bootstrap template, but then abandoned it for another, because the first one seemed to be too easy to "break" when you customized it. 

You'll add to your "problem log" as you work on your site, taking ten minutes or so each class, developing a list of all the obstacles you overcame, and how you overcame them (with links to helpful references and tutorials sprinkled through them). Just pull up the original blog post you made for your three-week plan, click on the little pencil icon at the bottom of it, and that will allow you to edit the post – in edit view, you can add to your problem log each class. Date each entry. It will work as a sort of database for the class - and for yourselves, so you don't have to re-fix any problems you fixed once. Give the post the "tag" "log" se we can sort through all of them easily.

Wednesday, March 21, 2018

What's due for Monday (3/26)

By the start of class this coming Monday, I want you to have the following things completed:

1. Your website should be hosted on some platform (it's OK if it hasn't been "published" and made public yet - but it should be hosted, in at least an edit view, online. If you're using downloaded templates, you don't need to have the html/css pages posted to a server yet. At this point, your website should include the homepage, with a "hero" image and an introductory headline/paragraph. If you are creating a portfolio site without a headline, I want you to have a draft of your "about me" page.

2. The website should include a navigation bar, with pages for all the sections you intend to have for your site (they can be placeholder pages for now).

I also want you to have written up, and printed out, a short 1-to-2 paragraph paper on what you chose the platform you did. Why did it seem better than any other platform you looked into?

On Monday, we'll take a look at your homepages in class.

Monday, March 19, 2018

Some references for your website

This is what we'll talk about today – some options for hosting your website. Your task, for the next week, will be to investigate some of these options, and to build out a homepage and placeholders for your other main pages by next Monday. Also due Monday: a plan for the remainder of the semester, prioritizing what you'll do week-by-week to create and deploy the content for your site.

Shopify (integrated eCommerce)

Some comparisons:

Pair Networks


Monday, March 5, 2018

Web Design Midterm

Here is a link to download the questions for our midterm:

And here is a zipped file of the reference files you need to answer the questions:

For those of you at nationals: I'll give you till Monday morning (3/12) to email me your completed midterm (instructions are in the questions document above).