Tuesday, March 27, 2018

Simon Ottosson

Week 1,
Shoot portrait for ''about me'' section(+ color correction) + finish up layout for home page + gather all content in a folder

Week 2,
Start writing the code for the site = have the basic layout of divs placed
plan content for each div (text+navbar)

Week 3,
Activate links + touch ups + photos
Add content to the portfolio section

Problem Log:
I have been trying to figure out how to make what I believe is called a parallax scroll function for the bottom of my page. For that I have to add a Java script function, which is a different language that I have yet to figure out how to make talk to CSS and HTML. By not knowing how to achieve this I was forced to play around further with placement and sizing of images and div's. This have given me a minor confidence boost in my quest of learning this foreign language.

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