Monday, March 26, 2018

The Three-Week Plan and "Problem Log"


Starting today, I want you to make a post on this blog laying out a three-week plan for yourself – explaining what you plan to accomplish in class for this week and the following two weeks. The plan is for you to have at least a rough draft of your completed site up by the end of that three weeks. That will give us a couple weeks to do some social media marketing around your site (Daniel Kelly will be talking to our class on April 16th, explaining the online marketing he does for SNC), and to make final touches/edits on your site.

A plan for a portfolio site might look something like this:

Week 1:

Wednesday: Write "About Me" section, get a good "action photo" of myself using the camera. Send emails to clients I've had, to try and get :"testimonials" I can use on my site.

Week 2:

Monday: Organize all my photos, sort them into categories (Nature, Wedding, Personal Work), and select the strongest 12 images for each gallery. Resize them for the web and upload them.

Wednesday: Design a logo for the header of the site, and create the header in Photoshop.

Week 3:

Monday: Start a "blog" section for the site, documenting the last photo shoot I was on.

Wednesday: Make another blog post; incorporate a map into my site, so I can tag locations of my travel photography.

THE PROBLEM LOG (which is built out from the same "three week plan" blog post on this site)

You'll add to that initial three-week plan blog post, writing an ongoing "problem log," detailing the sorts of things you figure out along the way. For example, maybe you figured out how to get into the CSS of his wordpress site, and adjust stylings in the header. Or maybe you started to use a bootstrap template, but then abandoned it for another, because the first one seemed to be too easy to "break" when you customized it. 

You'll add to your "problem log" as you work on your site, taking ten minutes or so each class, developing a list of all the obstacles you overcame, and how you overcame them (with links to helpful references and tutorials sprinkled through them). Just pull up the original blog post you made for your three-week plan, click on the little pencil icon at the bottom of it, and that will allow you to edit the post – in edit view, you can add to your problem log each class. Date each entry. It will work as a sort of database for the class - and for yourselves, so you don't have to re-fix any problems you fixed once. Give the post the "tag" "log" se we can sort through all of them easily.


Unknown said...

Week 1:
-Create about me page.
-Upload photos.
-Finalize word & photo content on home page.

Week 2:
-Complete homepage.
-Produce one piece of content for each section.

Week 3:
-Produce more content for each section.
-Take new photos and gather fresh content. (maybe include an interview/profile?)
-Dial in all finalizing components.

Unknown said...

Week 1

Mon 3/26 : move domain from sqarespace to cargo collective.
- choose template.

Weds 3/28 : Gather material including images and text.
- create wireframe

- make additional material for first issue

Week 2

Mon 4/2 : make homepage.
- use a single image.
- design: viewers click on the logo, then enter the main site.

Weds 4/4 and beyond : create system of display.
- focus on a unique layout.
- start uploading material.