Sunday, May 6, 2018

Morgan Meadows

Landscape photography is about the experience; getting out and nature and finding that unforgettable shot. The outdoors is the perfect subject for photographers who are just starting out because no fancy equipment is needed. Just a camera, even your smartphone will do, and a good pair of hiking boots. Nature affords the perfect lighting, which is best in the "golden hour" before dusk and after sunset. Nature also provides a stationary subject. There's no rush. You can take as long as you need to get the shot, without having to worry about wearing down the patience of the model you are working with. Landscape photography is also the most personally rewarding. You're getting fresh air, exercise, and the tranquil that goes along with being out in nature. I love landscape photography because it actually engages me in the landscape. I'm looking at the scenery from different angles, trying to absorb it all in a way that I never do without my camera. I'm focused on the moment, instead of thinking about what I have to do when I get home.

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