Wednesday, January 30, 2019

References for Wednesday's class (1/30)

Here is a battery of links that may be useful to you in the formatted poem, our first html-based assignment:

I want you to take a poem or song lyrics, and use text formatting to "design" the text in ways that emphasize properties of the poem/song (for instance, if there is a line that's very angry, perhaps the font is larger and red for that section). I want you to use at least six different text properties (color, font face, size, alignment, etc.) in the course of the poem/song.

Links to CSS text and font info:

The "span" tag (for modifying elements outside of "p" and "header" tags):

Web colors:

Html color picker here:

Link to CSS examples (scroll down for text and font properties):

And here, below, is some basic html text styling code – utilizing inline CSS – that I thought might be helpful as a "base file" for you to build your poem out of. Hopefully it gives an idea of some basic text-styling syntax (I'll break it down in class):

Download it here.

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