Monday, January 22, 2018

Mario Herrera

    My Name is: Mario Herrera

Image may contain: 1 person, smiling, bridge and outdoor

"Be yourself because an original copy is worth more than a copy"

I am from Fortuna, California. I am a senior at Sierra Nevada College. My major is marketing and hope to graduate this year. I love to be adventurous and trying out different things I have never done before. I love spending time with family and friends and living life to the fullest.

My cousins and I made a video last year in Mexico. It is about a farm worker wanting to change jobs due to the lack of money. Instead of being a farmer, he wants to work as a business man. One of the farmers friends recommended him to a business man and instead of hiring him to work for his business, he hired him to work as a farmer slave at the business mans home farm.

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