Monday, April 1, 2019

Homework for Wednesday (4/3)

By the start of Wednesday's class, YOU MUST HAVE:

1. Your five-week plan posted.

2. A home page for your site posted (if you're using a template that isn't yet public, I need a screenshot of your homage, preferably posted to your "five-week plan" post).

Also, you need to read this article, in our ongoing look at FaceBook as a platform:

Before Wednesday's class, answer these three questions about the article, and print them out to hand in at the start of Wednesday's. This is an assignment that will count toward your final grade. We'll discuss the article in class.

The three questions:

1. What would you list as the two main stresses of being a FaceBook moderator?

2. What is FaceBook doing to mitigate those stresses, and do you think they're doing enough? What more could they do?

3. What sorts of things are the moderators screening, that you think would be difficult for an algorithm to weed out? What would you identify as one of the major difficulties of identifying genuinely harmful or objectionable content?

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